Thursday, January 26, 2023


29-12-2022 上映, 147 分鐘, 英語(中文、英文(部分)字幕)


本屆康城影展最高榮譽金棕櫚獎電影,兩奪康城最高榮譽的諷剌大師魯賓奧士倫(Ruben Östlund)繼《方寸見人心》後再度玩盡荒謬世界!超索模特兒情侶卡爾(哈里斯迪堅臣 飾)和雅雅(莎樂比甸 飾),受邀當KOL免費登上豪華郵輪。被貧窮限制想像的二人頓時眼界大開,被同船的超級富豪帶進了奢華的上流生活。正當眾人享受著由船長(活地夏里遜 飾)主持的豪華晚宴時,一場暴風雨突然襲來,一幕幕搞笑又荒誕的場面不斷上演。豪華郵輪之旅突變搭沉船,生還者被迫流落荒島。在斷水斷糧面前,原有的社會階級迎來翻天覆地的改變!草根階層的清潔工爬上了食物鏈的頂端,瘋狂的生存戰爭即將展開!回歸弱肉強食的原始世界,為了生存人性可以有幾荒誕?

導演: 魯賓奧士倫

演員: 哈里斯迪堅臣,莎樂比甸,活地夏里遜


Triangle of Sadness

Opening on 29-12-2022, 147 minutes, English(Chinese, English(In Parts) Subtitles)


This year’s winner of the Palme d’Or at the Cannes film festival. Models Carl and Yaya are navigating the world of fashion while exploring the boundaries of their relationship. The couple are invited for a luxury cruise with a rogues’ gallery of super-rich passengers, a Russian oligarch, British arms dealers and an idiosyncratic, alcoholic, Marx-quoting captain. At first, all appears Instagrammable. But a storm is brewing, and heavy seasickness hits the passengers during the seven-course captain’s dinner.

The cruise ends catastrophically. Carl and Yaya find themselves marooned on a desert island with a group of billionaires and one of the ship’s cleaners. Hierarchy is suddenly flipped upside down, as the housekeeper is the only one who knows how to fish.

Director: Ruben Östlund

Cast: Harris Dickinson, Charlbi Dean, Woody Harrelson

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27-05-2023 上映, 180 分鐘, ---(---) 故事簡介 由Frederick Ashton所編的《灰姑娘》首次於1948年初演,為慶祝此芭蕾舞劇的75周年,皇家芭蕾舞團再次為觀眾帶來這個經典故事,精通不同媒體經驗的創作團隊為這永垂不朽的童話故事注入新元素。 19...